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Mgr Ewa Zegler-Poleska

Position: Assistant
Areas of Expertise: Scholarly communication, Scientometrics, Sociology of science
Publications [see more]
Involvement in EUROREG's research projects [see more]
Academic Profile 

Doctoral student in Information Science at the Department of Information and Library Science Indiana University Bloomington in the „Integrated Doctoral Education with Application to Scholarly Communication” project; minor in History and Philosophy of Science. She graduated in Polish Studies from the University of Warsaw and received a certificate in online journalism from Collegium Civitas. Gained professional experience at the Educational Research Institute in the Polish Language section and the Database on Educational Research section. She is interested in studying science with the use of quantitative data and methods such as text analysis. Her current research projects concern data publishing and preprint retractions. Awards: MNiSW scholarship, Society for Scholarly Publishing Student Program Fellow, and Research Data Alliance US/Data Share Early Career Fellow. Member of the Science Studies Lab.

ORCID: 0000-0002-7574-5985

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