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The impact of virtualization of scientific conferences on inequalities in science

Time period: 2022-2023
Financing: Excellence Initiative – Research University (IDUB)

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought virtual conferences to a prominent place in scientific communication. Much suggests the permanence of virtual conferences as they address not only immediate pandemic threats but also earlier calls for the implementation of a more sustainable model of scientific meetings. It is also suggested that virtualization of conferences provides an opportunity to increase their inclusiveness, that is, to include groups underrepresented in traditional face-to-face conferences and to reduce participation gaps related to gender, access to funding or the scientific level of the institutional setting. However, existing research in this area is limited and results are inconclusive.

This project aims to investigate the impact of the use of digital technologies in science communication on multifaceted inequalities in science. The new idea is contained in the following question: To what extent does the virtualization of scientific communication change existing hierarchies and inequalities in science? The main question of the project concerns how the massive virtualization of scientific conferences has affected individual, institutional, and international inequalities in science across disciplines.

Data on participation in large international conferences representing different scientific disciplines will be used. To compare the pre- and (post)pandemic situation, information on conference participation over several years will be collected.

The results of the project will contribute to the still relatively limited knowledge about scientific conferences and their changes during the pandemic. The project is a preliminary step for a broader study of the impact of digital technologies on processes in the science system.