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Dr Katarzyna Romańczyk

Position: Assistant professor
Phone: (+48) 22 826 16 54 ext. 113
Areas of Expertise: regional and local development, urban policy, urban renewal, governance, participation
Publications [see more]
Conference papers (selected) [see more]
Involvement in EUROREG's research projects [see more]
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Academic Profile 

Katarzyna Romańczyk is an assistant professor at the Centre for European Regional and Local Studies (EUROREG), University of Warsaw. She is specialised in regional and local development, urban studies, governance, urban renewal, public participation. She holds a PhD in political science from Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. She is also a graduate of Pedagogical University of Krakow (political science) and Jagiellonian University (European studies). Her PhD dissertation addressed and analysed the political aspects of Brussels development after 1958. She was a co-ordinator of research projects funded by the Polish National Science Centre. She has also participated in several projects funded by the Norway Grants, the European Commission, and non-governmental organisations. She was awarded scholarships at the University of Oxford and Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Her papers are published in edited volumes and journals (e.g. Cities. The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning).

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2204-8633

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Conference papers (selected) 

49 Annual Conference of the Urban Affairs Association, 24-27.04.2019, UCLA, Los Angeles, USA. Paper: Does citizen participation make a difference in the largest Polish cities? Evidence from deprived urban areas

• 5th REHI Workshop: A Historical Perspective on Multi-Level Urban Economic Development Policy, 29-30.11.2018, The University of the West of Scotland, Paisley, Great Britain. Paper: How has multi-level urban policy affected the largest Polish cities?

• International Conference on Participatory Spatial Planning – Processes, Challenges and Tools, 15.06.2018, Jagiellonian University, Krakow. Paper: How watershed moments in urban policy may trigger participation and change urban space? A case study of Warsaw and Krakow

• I Konfrontacje Miejskie: Konkurencyjność gospodarcza miast – droga do sukcesu, 13.12.2017, National Chamber of Commerce, Warsaw. Paper: Bruksela – (re)wizja rozwoju miasta (In Polish)

• Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa: Organizowanie Współczesnej Przestrzeni Miejskiej, 24-25.11.2017, University of Warsaw, Warsaw. Paper: (Dys)funkcje partycypacji publicznej w kreowaniu przestrzeni miejskiej (In Polish)

• Interdyscyplinarna Konferencja Naukowa: Miasto pod Napięciem, 28-29.09. 2017, University of Silesia, Katowice. Paper: Kolizyjne miasto – między materialnym a społecznym wymiarem rewitalizacji (In Polish)

• International Conference on Democracy and Participation in the 21st Century, 12-15.07.2017, International Sociological Association (ISA), University of Lisbon, Portugal. Paper: Has participation transformed urban spaces in the largest cities in Poland?

• II Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa: Społeczności Lokalne wobec Wyzwań Współczesności, 12.05. 2017, SGGW, Warsaw, Poland. Paper: Czynniki społecznej mobilizacji a potencjał innowacyjny inicjatyw lokalnych (In Polish)

• Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa Społeczne Aspekty Rewitalizacji, 27.04. 2017, University of Łódź, Poland. Paper: Pułapki rewitalizacji. Przypadek Krakowa (In Polish)

Involvement in EUROREG's research projects