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Determinants and opportunities for the socio-economic and spatial development of the Carpathian region (KARPAT)

Time period: 2024-2025
Financing: ESPON

A review of existing studies on the conditions, trends, and challenges faced by the Carpathian Macroregion indicates the need to supplement and/or expand the state of knowledge on the socio-economic processes taking place there, all the while considering their spatial context. Additionally, appropriate measures must be proposed in order to solve the ongoing problems as well as leverage available development opportunities. The objectives of the research:

1) Cognitive objective aims to generate new evidence for the Carpathian area by means of identifying territorial development challenges and opportunities for different types of regions, based on multidimensional analysis of selected themes.

2) Application objective seeks to provide recommendations for policymakers, against the backdrop of a multi-level governance approach, for joint policy actions that recognise the territorial specificities of the Carpathians.

Research questions:

a) Socio-economic and spatial development

  • What are the state of affairs and current trends in the Carpathian area’s territorial structure related to the selected thematic fields?
  • What territorial profiles can be identified?
  • What opportunities are available in each region?
  • How can these opportunities and potentials be more efficiently harnessed for economic and social development in a sustainable way?
  • How to tailor actions to different types of territories?
  • What recommendations can be given to policymakers at different levels of governance to support sustainable development of the Carpathian area?

b) Governance structure and territorial cooperation

  • What are the institutional frameworks and governance structures in the Carpathian area?
  • How can multi-level governance in the Carpathian area be characterised?
  • What are the good practices in different thematic fields involving coordinated policies and actions in the mountain regions of the Carpathians?
  • How to improve governance structures of the Carpathian area through joint cooperation actions at different levels?
  • Which areas of cooperation should be prioritised?
  • What recommendations can be given to policymakers at different levels to enhance territorial cooperation and good governance practices between authorities in the Carpathian area and also in relation with the EU?