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Prof. dr hab. Maria Halamska

Position: Full Professor
Phone: (+48) 22 826 16 54
Areas of Expertise: sociology of rural areas, rural and local development, local government, cultural aspects of spatial economy.
Publications [see more]
Academic Profile 

Maria Halamska is a sociologist, professor of humanities. Graduated from the Jagiellonian University. She received Ph.D. in 1978 on the basis of work "Conflicts in the functioning of the system of agricultural production", postdoctoral degree (dr. hab) in the 1992  (thesis: "Polish peasants at the end of eras." From 2003 she is Professor of Humanities. Scholar of the Council of Europe (CE) and the French government (twice). In the period 1972-1997 researcher at the Institute of Rural and Agricultural Sciences. In the years 2002, 2003, 2005 associé professeur at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris. Coordinated 20 research projects in the field of rural sociology, local development and rural development of Polish territory. Co-designer and leader of five international research projects in France, Canada, Brazil, Portugal, Tunisia, Romania, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. Author of 18 books, co-author of more than 60, as well as more than 100 scientific articles, published in Polish, French, English, German and Portuguese. Member of the Polish Sociological Association, the European Society for Rural Sociology, Académie d'Agriculture de France.

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