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Po odejściu prof. Antoniego Kuklińskiego z całego świata nadchodzą wspomnienia oraz słowa uznania dla jego osiągnięć i oddziaływania na naukę. Prezentujemy wybrane z nich.

Professor Kukliński was a major figure in our field with an important legacy and constant commitment to international engagement. I never forget that he made it possible for us to meet for the first time and enabled my first visit to Poland and Central Europe.
John Bachtler
European Policies Research Centre, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow

I was very sorry to hear the sad news of Antoni Kuklinski’s passing. He was one of the instrumental supporters in the establishment of the RSA Polish Division and we were very grateful for his generous support.
Sally Hardy
Chief Executive of the Regional Studies Association

More than a scholar, Prof. Kuklinski was a teacher and a thinker whose contributions have influenced all of those who have worked on the fields he cultivated. He was also a leader and a caring boss who, as you will remember, used to refer to his team of young collaborators as his “crew”.
Juan J. Palacios
University of Guadalajara, Mexico

I remember my first contact with his works trough Prof. Lasuen at the UAM, when I was doing the research for the Phd degree. And his approach stimulted me always very much.
Antonio Vazquez Barquero
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain

Prof. Antoni Kuklinski was a great man who had an exceptional power both in his arguments and in his personal character. He had a crucial impact on my personal life. I met him first time in a conference organised by Grzegorz, near Warsaw, around 1990. I was a young researcher thinking about my place in the fast changing world around me. Listening his speech, talking with him, I decided to find my place in a research community who was engaged in social and economic betterment of my country.
Karoly Fazekas
Centre for Economic and Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Był to dla mnie honor współpracować z profesorem.
Lubomir Faltan
Institute for Sociology, Slovak Academy of Sciences

Był to – tak jak to widzę – jeden z najbardziej barwnych intelektualnie ludzi jakich spotkałem
Piotr Dutkiewicz
Centre for Governance and Public Management, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada

I remember Pofessor Kuklinski in the 1990s as that time great personality and authority of Polish geography - the one who initiated, inspired and directed in the 1990s and thereafter our cooperative research projects.
Michal Illner
Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Wizjoner, futurysta, strateg. Człowiek, który wydał pod swoją redakcją naukową kilka książek na temat Gospodarki Opartej na Wiedzy, na kilka lat przed tym, jak inni zaczęli się tą tematyką interesować. To on postulował, by Polska rozpoczęła nową transformację: do GOW - od gospodarki opartej na węglu, gospodarki opartej na wieprzowinie, do gospodarki opartej na wiedzy, czyli od gospodarki opartej na rolnictwie i przemyśle ciężkim, do gospodarki nowoczesnej, w której wiodącą rolę pełnią innowacje. Dopiero po prawie 20 latach opinia publiczna i politycy w naszym kraju zaczynają rozumieć Jego idee: że nasz kraj nie powinien być zasobem taniej siły roboczej, ale krajem, którego rozwój powinien być oparty na wiedzy i innowacjach.
Krzysztof Piech
Szkoła Główna Handlowa

He was the key for our Sorrento Meeting, when he spoke about the triple Mezzogiorno in Europe and his theory about the development of! His Gordian knots and Alexandrian solutions conquered our imagination and stimulated our research that continue to this day!

Antonio Corvino
General Manager
Observatory of Industries and Banks, Italy

Antony has been a key inspiration for my students at Roskilde University and for many research project brought on in Italy. He has been in Italy a  key speaker an the Sorrento Meeting in 2012 where his idea of a European Triple Mezzogiorno was lunched, vividly discussed and has since oriented the work of the Italian Observatory of Industry and Banks. His lecture holds in Rome at the Association for Cooperative Popular Banks his still remembered as a mile stone for the European thinking and perception. Antony leave us alone in a moment where his contribution and warmly support for the European cause is as never needed. We remind him as friend and inspiring source in the terrible work still to be done.
Bruno Amoroso
Observatory of Industries and Banks, Italy

We all loose an intellectual monument in broad European and world-wide scientific thinking! In our hearts Antoni will remain forever our admired mentor, thanks also to his permanent stream of publications.
Herman Baeyens
Regional Development Advisor, former General-Director “MENS EN RUIMTE", Belgium

It is a great loss to all of us, to the community of scientists and scholars devoted to international cooperation. and territorial development . Antoni was an extraordinary person. We all owe him a lot and we will all miss him. His ideas and fruits of his work will always remain with us and guide us.
Ivo Šlaus
Ruđer Bošković Institute, Zagreb, Croatia

He was a most pleasant human being with the highest moral qualities; a scholar that inspired many.
Gilbert Fayl and Ulric Fayl v. Hentaller
The Global Round Table

I knew Antoni since 1972 and met him regularly all over the world. We published together and exchanged our views. It is a great loss to all of us.
Jan Lambooy
Utrecht University, The Netherlands

He was a great scholar and a truly inspiring researcher. We will all miss him and his enlightening remarks.
Wilhelm Krull
Secretary General, VolkswagenStiftun, Germany

I will always remember him as a young, fresh and inquiring mind full of enthusiasm and drive trying to improve things through his intellectual work. We will miss him.
Mikel Landabaso
European Commission

Prof. Antoni Kukliński poprzez miejsce swoich studiów i liczne późniejsze kontakty był silnie związany z poznańskim ośrodkiem akademickim i naszym Instytutem. Pozostanie w naszej pamięci jako człowiek pełen niespożytej energii i pasji twórczej, inicjator wielu przedsięwzięć badawczych, niekwestionowany autorytet w dziedzinie geografii ekonomicznej, gospodarki  przestrzennej i studiów regionalnych.
Tadeusz Stryjakiewicz
Dyrektor Instytutu Geografii Społeczno-Ekonomicznej i Gospodarki Przestrzennej, UAM

Z wielkim żalem przyjęliśmy wiadomość o śmierci Pana Profesora Antoniego Kuklińskiego, wybitnego uczonego oraz zasłużonego nauczyciela akademickiego, autorytetu w dziedzinie nauk geograficznych i gospodarki przestrzennej. Odszedł człowiek, który tak wiele wniósł do rozwoju nauki polskiej, który był inicjatorem nowych kierunków badań i który wskazywał, jak badania te realizować.
Leszek Kasprzyk
Dziekan Wydziału Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych UAM